Monday, March 19, 2012

Mona + Lisa #auspol

Today I visited Mona. Doesn't quite live up to the *over the top* hype of the publicity - but it is pretty spectacular.

Some of the art is just outstanding and some is outrageous - but the thing that blew me away was the building and the architecture - and the digestion machine. Superb. I am not going to attempt to be an art or architecture critic - except to say - go visit the place and see for yourself. There is nothing else in Australia quite like it.

The other thing that is impressive is the ferry ride - there and back. If you have never been on the Derwent river in Hobart then you must do this trip and you will need to take a camera to record the experience.

I had the rather unfortunate luck of sharing ferry seats back with three *actual* bogans. My favourite sub-class as you may already know.

And they proceeded to tell me about everything that is wrong with Mona. Plus they didn't like the art. By their own admission they are not *arty farty* people. But I did learn that it isn't up to the same standards of the big *banana* and the big *pineapple* - back home in Queensland ;-)

To add value to the conversation, I told them that many Australian tourists - who find themselves outside their comfort zone - somehow become f*cking stupid. It's a national habit I said.

And it worked a treat.

And the other thing I did today is catch up with my new best friend Lisa. Lisa is one of those young Tasmanian women who are clever, polite, good looking, articulate, friendly and educated. The place is full of them. There is not a bogan gene to be found amongst the local females and I try to celebrate that.

So refreshing.

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